For as many people out there designing games on the indie market, there are probably millions more with an idea for a game. This is great news for those of us who like to play games -- the more people conceptualizing games, the more unique gaming experiences we can look forward to having. Unfortunately, a concept is about as far as most would-be game developers get. We've talked about how easy it is to pick up game development software these days, so what's the hold up? One of the things which isn't apparent on the surface of any game design project, is how much problem solving goes into creating the game you want to make, and how many decisions that affect your end result come from those unforeseen circumstances. Often, these are minor and/or aesthetic things. As an example, when the EVOLV team was programming dialogue for the Spectre NPCs in Age of the Four Clans , we noticed an abundance of "..." placeholder verbiage which, oddly or not, seemed to fit t...
So if you've come to this website looking for information on creating an MMO or other game for yourself, there's a good chance you have limited experience in game making and want to know if it's even possible. Here's the good news: Thanks to the internet and thousands of intrepid developers worldwide, game design has never been more accessible. There are loads of resources online, including pre-built games, editable engines, and no-programming-required interfaces. Of course, what you get out of any of these systems is up to you and the time you devote to making it. If you've been browsing Netflix, lately, you may have come across the two Indie Game movies. While most game developers could appreciate the movie and the independent titles it featured, I personally can imagine a few people might have been left with the wrong impression about the majority of devs in the industry, today. A few of us have been lucky to get a game out which did well and perhaps won a few...
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